Wednesday, March 25, 2015

College Dropout Launches Practical Online Business Education Without the B.S. Degrees

"Most of my business courses in college were taught by professors who had never actually ran a business and didn't know the first thing about being a successful entrepreneur. As I started to grow my business, I realized I was better off saving my money and learning from mentors, case studies, and autobiographies, so I created an online business platform without any of the B.S. you often get in college," - Clay Clark, Founder
Clay Clark Creates a Business School Designed to Not Waste Student's Time

College dropout and former United States Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year for the state of Oklahoma, Clay Clark, has launched an online education platform for entrepreneurs called provides real world, practical business training that Clark says is sorely missing from current business colleges, schools, and universities. courses are taught by millionaire mentors and everyday entrepreneurial success stories.

“Most of my business courses in college were taught by professors who had never actually ran a business and didn’t know the first thing about being a successful entrepreneur. As I started to grow my business, I realized I was better off saving my money and learning from mentors, case studies, and autobiographies, so I created an online business platform without any of the B.S. you often get in college,” says Founder, Clay Clark.

Clark grew his first business, DJ Connection, out of his college dorm room before deciding college was not providing him with the practical training he needed to succeed in business and reach his financial goals. Rather than obtaining his education through the avenue of formal education, Clark dropped out of college, started reading books by business gurus such as Napoleon Hill, Chet Holmes, and Robert Kiyosaki while reaching out to real-life mentors who had a proven record of success.

As college tuition continues to rise, many students are turning to online education platforms that offer a convenient way to learn, on their time, at a much more affordable price.

A recent New York Times article from March 5, 2015, addresses the issue of archiving information that is learned in college stating, “Think about all the work you did in college. Unless you’re a recent college graduate, how much of it was saved and archived in a way that you can access now? What about the skills you acquired in various jobs? Digital learning environments can save and organize almost everything.” offers access to video trainings 24/7, an archiving system with notes, and a time management system that helps users organize their thoughts and deadlines to better accomplish tasks and goals. Clark believes learning should not end after four years of college. offers an ever growing and evolving course catalog that is constantly updated with the latest trainings. costs subscribers $49 per month, $19 per month for students, and is free for active duty, reserved, and retired U.S. military members and their spouses with the 1 for 1 HandUp Movement.

Sam Sabin, a third year cadet in the U.S. Air Force Academy says, "I wanted to express my gratitude for providing such a wonderful resource! I'm currently a third year cadet at the Air Force Academy (up in Colorado Springs), and your quick videos have been extremely helpful in furthering my financial education during a busy schedule.” 

Quick Facts Thrive15:

  • provides 15-minute practical online business courses taught by millionaires, mentors, and everyday entrepreneurial success stories.

  • features many celebrity mentors including: David Robinson, NBA Hall of Fame Basketball Player and founder of Carver Academy charter schools and Admiral Capital Group, which currently has a valuation of over $250 million; Lee Cockerell, the Former Executive Vice President of Operations for Walt Disney World Resort who once managed 40,000 + employees; Michael Levine, the founder of Levine Communications who has been the publicist of choice for Michael Jackson, Prince, P. Diddy, Charlton Heston, Cameron Diaz, and countless other celebrities; David Nilssen, the cofounder of one of the nation's largest small business funding solutions, Guidant Financial and; Jonathan Barnett, the founder of the 400 + OXI Fresh franchise.

  • has teamed up David Robinson and the U.S. Chamber’s, “Hiring Our Heroes Program,” to provide free subscriptions to U.S. military families as part of the 1 for 1 HandUp Movement.

  • has been mentioned in Forbes, Pando Daily, Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, Entrepreneur, and numerous media outlets since launching.

  • offers best practice and practical online education in the core areas of business mastery that every entrepreneur must know including: legal, real estate, investing, execution, purpose, mindset, networking, business modeling, overcoming adversity, capital, branding, marketing, sales, customer service, product/service development, quality control, accounting, management, human resources, and leadership.

  • was founded by Chief Operating Officer and Oklahoma’s former U.S. Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year, Clay Clark.

  • The Chief Executive Officer of is doctor, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist, Doctor Robert Zoellner.

  • offers points instead of grades and gives its users a chance to win a business boost package of over $10,000 annually to the Thriver with the most points.

  •’s content is created by combining entertainment, gamification, and best-practice practical business education to increase the retention of training provided on the platform.
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Contact Person: Deedra Determan
Email:Send Email
Phone: 1-800-594-4457
Address:1609 South Boston Ave Suite 200
City: Tulsa
State: Oklahoma
Country: United States