Award winning company, Tidy Books, famous for its innovative children’s bookcases which encourage kids to read, launches its new, personalised bookcase and bunk bed shelf this month to offer customers a brand new service.
Tidy Books has won many awards for its unique, front facing design which gets kids reading. In response to consumer demand, Tidy Books is offering customers a Tidy Books Bookcase or a Bunk Bed Buddy with their child’s name on it.
"Children love to take pride in something that so obviously belongs to them, and owning their own, personalised bookcase will make books irresistible to them," explained Tidy Books marketer, Ruth Duncan. "Parents and grandparents who want to give a child a thoughtful and lasting gift will have a new option this year with our personalised bookcases."
In an age of screens and tablets, more and more parents recognise that having print books in the home to share stories with very young children is crucial to their development. For the first time, US doctors are under official policy guidelines to advise parents to read with their babies, as anxiety grows about screen use amongst very small children.*
Tidy Books was established in 2004 by mum Geraldine Grandidier, who created the original Tidy Books front-facing bookcase for her own children. She began the Tidy Books business with £500 and made the first bookcases herself in her violin workshop in East London.
Educational expert Dr Klaus Dieter Rossade endorsed Tidy Books’ bookcase for kids saying, “By giving words and images a firm place in their room and your house, your children will learn to appreciate the importance and fun of literacy and books at an early and crucial stage in their lives.”
Personalised products are the latest in the line of Tidy Books’ development, which is now an international business, retailing in the UK through John Lewis, and in the US and Australia. Tidy Books is currently pursuing a rapid global expansion plan and has launched e-commerce websites in France and Germany, with more to come.
The Tidy Books Children’s Bookcase and Tidy Books Bunk Bed Buddy are part of the Tidy Books family of products: All Tidy Books designs are original and are created in sustainable wood and finished in an eco-friendly water lacquer that is better for the producers and the planet.
Tidy Books has won many awards for its children’s bookcases, book boxes and bunk bed shelves, including Mother and Baby Silver Award, Loved by Parents Silver, Junior Design Award and Right Start Gold Awards.
Tidy Books Children’s Personalised Bookcase is available on online at and priced at £169, and The Tidy Books Personalised Bunk Bed Buddy is priced at £69.
* Source: US doctors urge parents to read to babies, AFP, June 3rd 2014
About Tidy Books
Tidy Books makes innovative children’s bookcases and other award-winning storage designs for children. Tidy Books Bookcases display books with front covers facing outwards so that children can see and pick out books for themselves. The design makes it easy for young children and pre-readers to see, choose and enjoy their books independently, getting them hooked on books from an early age.
Tidy Books was founded in 2004 by CEO Geraldine Grandidier, Stevie Gold Award Winner 2013, Goldman Sachs/UCL 10,000 Small Businesses Alumnus. Tidy Books operates in the UK, US, Australia and Europe, & sold through major retailers such as John Lewis and Amazon US.
For further information please contact Ruth Duncan, PR and Marketing, Tidy Books at or find her on Twitter: @tidybooks
Company Name: Tidy Books
Contact Person: Ruth Duncan, PR and Marketing
Email:Send Email
Phone: +44 (0)20 8520 4647
Country: United Kingdom