Thursday, October 2, 2014

‘A Challenge to America’ National Campaign Launches to End Gun Violence

This game changing program appeals to communities and businesses in an aim to address the perennial problem of violence. It is a non-partisan program designed to reward the residents in eliminating senseless deaths from firearms and gun-related violence.

The alarming statistics in the United States say it all: one person is killed by a firearm every 17 minutes and 87 people die of gun-related violence in an average day. Between the years 2000 and 2010, an estimated 335,609 people died as a result of gun violence in the country. This number trumps the total population of major cities including St. Louis, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Newark and Orlando.

Heeding the call for an effective and proactive solution to this pressing problem besetting the United States is "A Challenge to America". The program, with the ultimate aim to end gun violence, was designed to financially reward the residents of a city or a town that eliminates incidents of senseless deaths from fire-arms and gun-related violence for 12 months.

"It’s all about citizens 'taking matters into their own hands' as a positive way to solve a nationwide issue," said the team behind ‘A Challenge to America’. "We bring awareness and deliver the challenge to your community so you can receive the benefits of meeting this and join us in spreading the word."

Under the ‘A Challenge to America’ program, every resident in a city or town that makes it through twelve months without such homicides will receive $1,791. While ‘A Challenge to America’ is largely based on the premise of incentives to motivate individuals and communities, the program targets to resolve a nationwide issue.

In order to fully enact the non-partisan solution, ‘A Challenge to America’ continues to seek pledges from businesses and organizations in the form of sponsorship. To take part in the project, sponsors may opt for the various levels of corporate and national sponsorship that recognize annual financial donations ranging from $500 to over $1,000,000 for the cause.

The ‘Challenge to America’ sponsorship packages allow for the recognition, promotion and exposure of the sponsoring company or organization to an audience of over sixty million US citizens during the next eighteen months. In addition, it provides clients the ideal avenue to demonstrate its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility while contributing to regional and national community development.

"It is up to you and the other citizens of this great country to accept the challenge, see it through, and reap the rewards!" said the team at ‘A Challenge to America’.

To learn more about ‘A Challenge to America’ and take part in this creative initiative to effectively address gun-related violence, please visit for additional information.


A Challenge to America is an out-of-the-box approach to the nationwide problem of gun-related violence and deaths. Targeting an effective call to action for citizens all over the United States, the project is designed as a challenge to individuals and communities as well as organizations and businesses as sponsors who will help in achieving the goal of eliminating senseless fatalities due to guns.

The Challenge to America Sponsorship Value Proposition

A Challenge to America is a non-partisan program designed to reward the residents of a city or a town that eliminate senseless deaths from firearms and gun-related violence. Sponsoring the Challenge to America provides you the opportunity to showcase your company or organization to an audience of over 60 million US citizens during the next eighteen months. The sponsorship process will demonstrate your organization’s commitment to helping resolve a Nationwide issue that is gripping our communities on a daily bases. The visibility achieved as a regional sponsor will serve to boost your corporate image and brand recognition throughout America.

Media Contact
Company Name: A Challenge to America
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Country: United States