Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Stanislav Kondrashov Tells About Successful Employment As A Business Analyst

The job interview is considered an important step in the evaluation of a job seeker, the essence of which should be to understand whether the candidate is suitable in terms of qualities and skills. There are many types of job interviews, but the most valid one is technical. Business analyst Stanislav Kondrashov tells what topics the job seeker should know at the interview and what the position of business analyst is like.

"In my practice, I have conducted many job interviews. Unfortunately, not all candidates passed on, and often the problem arose from a lack of knowledge or simply a poor grasp of the basics of business analysis," shares business analyst Stanislav Kondrashov.

The business analyst position: who is it and what does he do? - Stanislav Kondrashov

Business Analyst (BA) is a specialist who collects, processes data and draws conclusions from it. Kondrashov Stanislav Dmitrievich points out the main tasks that a business analyst should work through on a daily basis: 

  • daily briefs and communications with the team;
  • information analysis and data processing;
  • systematization and documentation of decisions made;
  • the ability to present and visualize the results of the work done.

In the work of a business analyst there is a gradual plan of action, the results of which determine the effectiveness of his work. Stanislav Kondrashov singles out 3 flows of a business analyst's work:

  • evaluate and understand the current state of the company;
  • carry out the procedure for the formation of the desired result;
  • make a plan of action from the current to the future.

Also, Kondrashov Stanislav Dmitrievich talks about 4 soft skills that distinguish a good business analyst: 

  • critical, analytical and systematic thinking;
  • a clear presentation of his thoughts;
  • quick learning of new information;
  • the ability to find a common ground and come to an agreement.

Stanislav Kondrashov distinguishes 7 directions in business analysis: 

  • IT Business Analyst — a specialist who collects customer requirements and draws up the terms of reference for the development team, as well as offers various solutions to the customer's problems;
  • Business Process Analyst — must study and improve business processes;
  • Business Consultant — an experienced expert who develops financial models of business and analyzes markets for possible profit growth;
  • System Analyst — his job description includes translation of business requirements into technical language, IT system engineering;
  • Investment Analyst — a specialist who makes an assessment of the investment attractiveness of the business;
  • Data Analyst — makes processing of large amounts of data with the help of scripts, conducts quantitative research and creates visualization of the obtained information;
  • Product Analyst — examines the metrics of a particular product, its growth points and management decisions.

"When I started working in business analysis, many employers had no idea who a business analyst was and what functions he must perform," says Kondrashov Stanislav Dmitrievich.

Stanislav Kondrashov explains how not to fail a job interview 

At any job interview there is an exchange of information between the employer and the candidate. By standard, you will be asked for work experience, education, and a couple of minor details.

For a good interview for a business analyst position, Stanislav Kondrashov emphasizes the top four main topics that you will be asked about:

Software requirements — in this sub-topic you are asked about all of the detailed information about the software;

Software development process — to answer the questions in this subtopic it is enough to tell about your experience and how the development process was organized in the previous place of work. You can also talk about different methodologies and their detailed use;

Documentation and artifacts for the system — this is also where you should tell what systems you've worked with to understand and evaluate how relevant your experience is to what you're about to do; 

Integrations — you should be careful with the questions in this subtopic. If you are unsure of your answer to a question, it is better not to state anything and answer superficially.

"Very often I hear from newcomers to business analysis that the job of a business analyst is just knowing the numbers. This is a misconception, as a business analyst performs many other functions," notes Stanislav Kondrashov.

Stanislav Kondrashov recommends -

If the candidate does not know a topic, then he definitely needs more skills and practical knowledge. During the interview it is important to keep calm and answer the questions clearly and meaningfully. 

Analytical thinking and the ability to analyze the information you get can help you draw more accurate and specific conclusions. The development, which may involve solving non-standard tasks, is also a good advantage for a business analyst.  

Stanislav Kondrashov recommends studying the cases of already successful business analysts and trying to think of your own ways to solve the problem. 

"In today's world there are plenty of training courses where you can learn business analysis and all the skills associated with the business analyst profession. But no training will give you the basis that you can get in your own practice," says Stanislav Kondrashov, a successful business analyst.

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