Friday, December 18, 2020

Jamie Harrison Launches Free Service to Support Male Victims of Domestic Violence in a Marriage/Partnership

Jamie Harrison Launches Free Service to Support Male Victims of Domestic Violence in a Marriage/Partnership
A Narcissist will always have somebody they accuse of ruining their life. It is invariably the same person the narcissist is trying to destroy.
Men who have suffered so much can now get support without fear. It's a noble effort to help victims overcome struggles with domestic abuse, get help, and find courage.

UK - Thanks to Jamie Harrison, the fight to protect victims of domestic violence will be extended to men who have been sufferers in their relationships or partnerships. Jamie Harrison is pleased to announce a free service to support male victims of coercive control. 

Victims will get emotional support, to help them deal with the effects of living with a Narcissist partner. Issues of men suffering coercive control and domestic abuse are many but do not often garner lots of attention because of the societal perception that men are always strong. 

Jamie Harrison Eccles services are committed to this noble cause to help men struggling with abusive women find help before things get out of hand. 

Speaking on the launch of the program Jamie Harrison of Altrincham/Eccles Media Services said “A Narcissist will always have somebody they accuse of ruining their life. It is invariably the same person the narcissist is trying to destroy”. 

In the United Kingdom, coercive control from woman to man is a topical societal issue that needs plenty of attention. People who exhibit such behavior are usually driven by their grandiosity, feeling of emptiness, excessive need for admiration, and lack of empathy. 

The challenging thing is that most men who are dealing with domestic abuse find it difficult to speak out. They are ashamed of people calling them weak and don’t know where to get help. Some of them reside in a state of denial until somebody gets hurt or their life is seriously in danger. 

Recognizing Coercive Control by victims can be challenging. But there are some behavioral patterns that are prevalent among people who are narcissistic or want to dominate others. They isolate their victim from any support systems and monitor their activity throughout the day. They deny their victims freedom, put them down with name-calling, and limit their access to money. 

Jamie Harrison Altrincham is taking a stand to support victims through their selfless and charitable service. Everyone who feels they may be struggling need to come and get help, instead of thinking they can work things out by themselves. The doors of the organization are always opened to receive complaints, provide assistance, give practical and useful advice, and help victims recover from months or years of abuse. They will also help victims find the courage to leave the relationship and start a new life in freedom and happiness.

To learn more, visit

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Company Name: Altrincham / Eccles Media Services
Contact Person: Jamie Harrison
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Country: United Kingdom