While most of the businesses focus on garnering new customers and expanding their customer base through marketing, building a strong connection between the brand and the consumers is one of the major factors that how a business stands out in the community. Reputact, an online reputation management company is established with the same ideology to bridge the gap between companies and the communities they serve by helping them see each other not as a corporation and consumer, but as person to person. Through carefully crafted strategies and years of research, the company helps businesses to get back in touch with their original idea of establishment, and become more transparent and human, so they ultimately connect with the people they serve.
Reputact offers services like Brand Message Consulting, Review Monitoring, Review Management, Mention Monitoring & Management; that includes notifying the company whenever it is mentioned online, Sentiment Analysis & Strategic response; to help businesses in capitalizing on their positive sentiments and addressing the less positive sentiments, Social media management, Influence scoring; to identify the leading influencers in the industry for making strategic partnerships, and Marketing Analytics; that includes collecting data to help the marketing team put information to the best use and deliver the right message to the target audience.
Reputact believes in building strong connections and partnerships between the company and the community it serves so both can thrive. It allows businesses to fully harness the power of their communities for mutual benefits. The founder of Reputact says, “I am a firm believer that companies should not be faceless organizations but in fact unapologetically human. I see a world where we connect with companies and the people behind them. So many people these days vilify corporations and it’s because it has become more important to get profits, and please shareholders that people have forgotten why they started their companies in the first place.”
While most reputation management companies focus just on their client, Reputact works to benefit both their clients and their end consumers. This is why they are selective of the clients and work with only those who are committed to long term relationships and aligned with their philosophy of community-based relationships. The goal is to do away with transactional relationships as the foundation and begin with empathetic relationships as foundations, with the transactions being the aftereffect, not the goal.
Reputact has developed their strategies through years of working for others, observing how they interact with clients and customers, in addition to the thorough study of how businesses interact both through public means and direct interaction.
Media Contact
Company Name: Reputact, LLC
Contact Person: Jared Moses
Email:Send Email
Country: United States
Website: www.instagram.com/Jredmoses/