Monday, March 2, 2020

Comments on the latest update with fluctuations in the ranking

Comments on the latest update with fluctuations in the ranking
Online Marketing Heroes
Trends and strategies for better brand communication

If you invest a lot of time and work in a website, you also want someone to see it. There are countless ways to generate visitors, but most of the webmasters do not want to actively advertise, but rather sit back and rest assured that prospective customers will still find their way to the website.

What sounds like a utopia for some is a daily reality for others.

We have known for a long time that every visitor and every click is worth cash, and this means that a good placement for relevant keywords in Google & Co is very advantageous. But how do you do that?

Optimizing your website for keywords (onpage optimization)

The ideal SEO title

The title is probably the most important element of your posts

How to write content that search engines love

The task of a search engine is to present the searcher with a website that solves his current problem. In order to bring supply (your website) and demand (the visitor) together, the search engine must somehow evaluate whether your common texts are interesting and substantial. If you running a shop you can always get help from Sebastians Shopware Agentur Berlin or a Online Marketing Agentur Berlin.

Enable search engine crawlers to navigate easily

Links are the essence of the internet and allow people to get from point A to point B. When you create a website, you need to make sure that all of your content can be found easily.

The loading time should be as short as possible

Nobody likes to wait! No matter whether at the doctor, in the supermarket or on a website: If you have to wait a long time for progress, you get annoyed quickly.

You can test the speed of your page on Google PageSpeed.

Constant link building shows your relevance

The search engines interpret it as a recommendation I have given and let this flow into the search results.

Ideally, you create such excellent content that your readers create links to you. What sounds good in theory is almost impossible in practice, because if no one finds your texts, no one will create a link. So you have to get started yourself and leave links to your website in places that interested readers could visit.

Search engine optimization takes a long time and is a constant process quotes Benjamin Sahin owner of Online Marketing Heroes:

Anyone who runs a PPC campaign has to wait a short time until the advertisement has been accepted and can then look forward to immediate results (clicks). However, if you dare to do search engine optimization, you have to be prepared that you have a long way to go.

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