Shara Moon, an emerging voice in historical fiction, has announced the debut of her first novel, Let Us March On. This meticulously researched work, releasing on February 4, 2025, uncovers the fascinating life of Elizabeth “Lizzie” McDuffie, a White House maid who served under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The story, inspired by real events, explores McDuffie’s role as a “hidden figure” who provided a crucial line of communication between the African American community and the presidency.
Shara Moon’s novel focuses on Lizzie McDuffie’s journey from her early ambitions to her significant responsibilities in the White House. When she boldly identified herself as “secretary on colored people’s affairs” for President Roosevelt, she became more than a devoted staff member. She acted as an intermediary, ensuring that concerns from the Black community reached the highest levels of government. Her dedication and courage shed fresh light on the “political migration” of African American voters during Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency, drawing them in greater numbers to the Democratic Party. Through vivid descriptions and carefully crafted narratives, Let Us March On offers a portrayal of Lizzie McDuffie’s life that highlights her tireless commitment to justice, her devotion to her husband Irvin McDuffie (FDR’s personal valet), and the broader historical context of her life during the Great Depression and the upsurge of racial violence.
Although Lizzie McDuffie’s efforts occurred behind the scenes, her influence on domestic policy and voter realignment was significant. Historical records suggest that her forthright nature both impressed and sometimes unsettled President Roosevelt, who often applauded her fortitude while cautioning her about the challenges they all faced. The novel examines Lizzie’s personal struggles, including marital strains and confrontations with racial inequality, casting her as a reluctant yet effective activist who found her calling within the corridors of power.
The book has already garnered praise from noted authors. In an early review, New York Times bestselling author Kate Quinn recognizes the impact of Shara Moon’s debut, describing the novel as a “quietly compelling portrait of a woman in the shadows, at last stepping into the light,” and noting how its resonant themes will linger in readers’ minds. Award-winning author Vanessa Riley, known for Island Queen and Sister Mother Warrior, commends Let Us March On for its portrayal of an unsung heroine who boldly appointed herself FDR’s “secretary on colored people’s affairs.” Riley emphasizes that the novel’s engaging style and intimate correspondence allow readers to discover McDuffie’s courage and vital historical contribution.
According to Shara Moon, the goal has always been to tell stories that honor forgotten figures of American history in a natural and compelling way. The author describes Let Us March On as a testament to the resilience of individuals who have too often gone unnoticed or unmentioned, but whose legacies continue to impact us today.
Let Us March On is available for pre-order on all major platforms. For more details visit here.
Additional information about the author and her work can be found at
About Shara Moon
Shara Moon is a historical fiction author dedicated to spotlighting little-known heroines who have shaped and influenced pivotal moments in American history. Let Us March On, published by William Morrow/Harper Collins, is her debut novel, and marks the culmination of years of research into the extraordinary life of Elizabeth “Lizzie” McDuffie.
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