Monday, March 4, 2019

Kuester Management Group Outlines Strategies to Enact Change in the HOA

Kuester Management Group offers tips on how HOA members can be proactive in bringing meaningful change to their organization and making their voice heard.

It is not uncommon to hear people grumbling about certain HOA rules or decisions, but it is less common to see people actually step up and get involved in creating change. If there is something a member is unhappy with, or they have a recommendation for improvement, the only way it will be addressed is if the HOA knows about it. Kuester Management Group has released a statement to the press regarding ways members can bring about positive changes in the HOA and see their ideas come to fruition.

“It’s easy to find things to complain about, but it’s harder to come up with effective solutions, says Bryan Kuester, President of Kuester Management Group. “Running an HOA is tough, and the board often appreciates when homeowners take an active role and share their ideas for improvements. After all, the community exists to benefit the best interest of all members.”

One of the best ways that members can help enact change is to get involved, notes Kuester. Run for a position on the board, sign up to help at a special event, or join a committee. Homeowners can find many opportunities that fit their interests and abilities. This gives them the chance to do some hands-on work and become more involved in decision-making processes.

Another option is to regularly attend HOA meetings, review the agenda ahead of time, and come with ideas to share. Sign up to speak and offer suggestions for current issues or things that should be addressed in the future. Put questions and concerns in writing so the board has an official copy and can refer back to it.

“In addition to sharing ideas or concerns, also come armed with feasible solutions,” says Kuester. “If you want to improve safety, think about what that would look like and what changes the HOA can reasonably put in place. More lighting? Cutting back bushes in certain areas? A neighborhood watch? Have some specifics about how these ideas can be accomplished.” This can also help the HOA to work more quickly because they are not starting from scratch.

To help bring attention to recommended changes or improvements, rally support from neighbors. Get others on board with plans so they can show the board that it is something that many people stand behind and want to see happen – that there is a great deal of interest. However, the group should also be willing to work with the board to come up with a strategic plan that aligns with association’s governing documents, fits within the budget, and can be achieved. There may need to be compromises made.

“Rules are not set in stone, and there is always room for improvement and new ideas,” says Kuester. “The board and members should work together to do what is in the best interest of the community as a whole and make beneficial changes.” A property management company like Kuester can help HOAs to develop and execute plans that support the future of the organization and its members.

For more information, contact Kuester today at


Kuester Management Group, a division of Kuester Companies, works to protect property values and enhance the quality of life in each of its managed communities. Providing a full range of association management services, Kuester Management Group has worked to foster strong, resilient, and unified communities across North and South Carolina. The company is proud to offer on-site property managers, all zealous for building strong communities meant to stand the test of time.

More information is available at or @KuesterCompany.

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Company Name: Kuester Management Group
Contact Person: Bryan Kuester
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Phone: 704-973-9019
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