Monday, September 18, 2017

Influence is Powerful. New Bestseller Reveals Keys for Readers to Grow Their Influence Potential!

Chicago, Illinois - September 18, 2017 - In Dr. Karen Keller’s new bestseller, INFLUENCE: What’s the Missing Piece? Keller states, “Being influential is a higher order of influence.”

Many have deliberated over people’s influence traits, but Dr. Keller cuts to the chase and reveals the missing piece all other influence discussions have left out. In INFLUENCE: What’s the Missing Piece? Keller extracts the key ingredients and traits one must have and what steps one must take to become influential.  For the first time ever, there is a benchmark of influence potential AND an easy to understand roadmap on learning how to unlock, grow and strengthen from within one’s influence, presence and abilities.

Within the book’s twelve chapters, readers will be able to identify the basic building blocks to increase influence success; discover one’s true influential self within; how to transition from influence to influential; building one’s influence potential; and how the newly found influence can affect a person on a personal basis as well as their job and especially the company they work for.

Dr. Karen Keller, founder and CEO of Karen Keller International, Inc., is the leading Influence Mastery expert working with clients from start-ups to Fortune 500s to increase their Influence Potential. She facilitates workshops, provides keynotes, and works privately with clients, in addition to training coaches who utilize her assessment and programs. Dr. Keller is a clinical psychologist and Master Certified Coach specializing in human behavior.

Twenty years of research and client work led to the creation of The Keller Influence Indicator® (KII®) - a scientifically validated and reliable method for the testing, analysis, and evaluation of a person’s influence potential.

Dr. Keller explains, “When you discover how to leverage and maximize your Seven Influence Traits®, you BECOME MORE INFLUENTIAL, which is the key to success in every situation and relationship.”

Dr. Karen Keller is available for interviews.

INFLUENCE: What’s the Missing Piece? is available on
Book preview:

CONTACT:  Kelly Johnson
Executive Press, Inc.
PHONE:  517.369.1465

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Company Name: Executive Press, Inc.
Contact Person: Kelly Johnson
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