Monday, June 17, 2024

Can changing an iridium spark plug really boost engine power?

Will changing a high quality spark plug affect the power? In other words, how different are the vehicles using high-quality spark plugs and ordinary spark plugs? Below, we will talk about this topic with you briefly.

As we all know, the power of a car is determined by four main factors: intake volume, speed, mechanical efficiency and combustion process. As an important part of the ignition system, the spark plug is only responsible for igniting the engine, and does not directly participate in the engine work, so in theory, regardless of the use of ordinary spark plugs or high-quality spark plugs, can not improve the power of the car. Moreover, the power of a car has been set when it comes out, as long as it has not been modified, it is impossible to change a set of spark plugs to make the power exceed the original factory level.

So what's the point of replacing a high-quality spark plug? In fact, the main purpose of replacing the spark plug with a better electrode material is to extend the cycle of replacing the spark plug. In the previous article, we also mentioned that the most common spark plugs on the market are mainly these three kinds: nickel alloy, platinum and iridium spark plugs. Under normal circumstances, the replacement cycle of the nickel alloy spark plug is about 15,000-20,000 kilometers; The platinum spark plug replacement cycle is about 60,000-90,000 km; Iridium spark plug replacement cycle is about 40,000-60,000 km.

In addition, many models on the market now use advanced technologies such as turbocharging and in-cylinder direct injection, and the compression ratio and rise rate of the engine are constantly improving. At the same time, compared with the self-priming engine, the intake temperature of the turbine engine is higher, which is 40-60 ° C higher than that of the general self-priming engine, and in this high-strength working condition, it will accelerate the corrosion of the spark plug, thereby reducing the life of the spark plug.

Can changing an iridium spark plug really boost engine power?

When the spark plug corrosion, electrode sintering and carbon accumulation and other problems, the ignition effect of the spark plug is not as good as before. You know, once there is a problem with the ignition system, it is bound to affect the normal operation of the engine, resulting in a slower time for the mixture to be ignited, followed by a poorer vehicle power response. Therefore, for some engines with large horsepower, high compression and high combustion chamber operating temperature, it is necessary to use spark plugs with better materials and higher calorific value. This is also why many friends will feel that the power of the vehicle is stronger after replacing the spark plug. In fact, this is not called a strong power, with the restoration of the original power to describe more appropriate.

In our daily car process, over time, the life of the spark plug will gradually shorten, resulting in a slight decrease in the power of the vehicle, but in this process, we are generally difficult to detect. Just like a person losing weight, it is difficult for the people who come into contact with you every day to notice that you have lost weight, and the same is true of cars. However, after replacing the new spark plug, the vehicle has returned to the original power, and the experience will be very different, just like by observing the photos before and after losing weight, the contrast effect will be very significant.


In short, replacing a set of better quality spark plugs, the most fundamental role is to extend the service life, and improve the power is not related. However, when the vehicle travels a certain distance, the life of the spark plug will also be shortened, and the ignition effect will become worse, resulting in engine power failure. After replacing a new set of spark plugs, the power of the vehicle will be restored to the original look, so from the perspective of experience, there will be an illusion of power "stronger".

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