Tuesday, March 30, 2021

How does Onion help In Managing Diabetes?

Diabetes is a lifestyle condition that affects many people, and it has turned out to be the most widespread lifestyle disease. One of the most common reasons for diabetes is a sedentary lifestyle, stress, and zero activity level. Also, diabetes is known as a metabolic disorder, which leads to blood sugar fluctuations in the body. Unlike other life-threatening diseases, diabetes is reversible but you need to follow strict diet management along with high-intensity workouts. If you’re suffering from diabetes mellitus, here’s good news for you, eating onions can help in managing sugar levels, read on to find more about it.

Onions And Blood Sugar

Many foods are known to keep blood sugar levels low, one of them is Onion. Including onions in your diet may help to manage your blood sugar, it is one of the richest food sources of chromium, a trace mineral that improves the body’s ability to respond to insulin. And some medical tests and theories have proven the fact that eating fresh onions reduces sugar levels in the body, among both Type1 and Type 2 diabetes. Here's how onion helps to manage blood sugar levels in the body. Let's check out:

  • High on fiber:

They are rich in fibre content, and it takes time to break down and digest, which ensures a slow release of sugars in the bloodstream. Red onions are better because they're high in fiber content, whereas spring onions have the lowest fibre content.

  • Low carbs:

Onions are very low on carbs and it highly works in favor of diabetic patients, because carbohydrates metabolize results in the fast release of sugar in the bloodstream.

  • The low glycaemic index (GI):

The glycaemic index of onion is 10 which is ideal to be added to the diet of diabetics.

Why you should Include Onions In Your Daily Diet To Manage Diabetes?

  • Onions maintain to lower the risk of blood sugar spikes.

  • Onions contain quercetin which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. This helps reduces symptoms of diabetes.

  • The high fibre content in red onions helps to release sugar gradually into the bloodstream, which further ensures your blood sugar levels are stable.

  • The carbohydrates formula of onion tends to metabolize fast, causing fluctuations in the blood sugar levels.

  • Onion is an ideal pick for diabetes as it contains a glycaemic index below 55 which ensures the gradual release of sugar in the bloodstream.

  • Adding onions to your diet may help in calorie-intake of the day. Because they are low in calories, so it is suggested to consume onions fresh, as it tends to lose its nutritional value if it is sitting out for too long.

  • Try to consume Onion or onion juice during summers, which helps to fight adverse impacts of the heat, as well as to regulate levels of blood sugar.

If you have still been suffering from major diabetes problems read more about this on Diabetes Freedom

Tips for Adding Onions

  • Slice some raw onions add zing and a ton of flavor to sandwiches and salads.

  • Grill or roast thick slices of onions and enjoy them as the vegetable with your meal.

  • Try dicing and sauteing them with peppers and you can use them as a type of relish with your meats and grains.

Onion Water Recipe To Manage Diabetes


  • 2 chopped onions 

  • 1 cup water 

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice 

  • 1 pinch of rock salt


  • Take a blender and mix all the ingredients mentioned above.

  • Try not to strain, it is significant you get the strands and fibres.

Onion Tea Recipe To Manage Diabetes

Onion tea is beneficial for diabetes patients as it can keep blood sugar levels under control. According to the report of The Journal of Medicinal Food says that onions tend to lower the risk of blood sugar spikes. And its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties help reduce symptoms of diabetes explained in diabetes freedom ebook.


  • 1 roughly chopped onion 

  • 2-3 garlic cloves 

  • 2 bay leaves 

  • 1-2 tablespoons honey as the sweetener

  • 2 cups of water 


  • Add 2 cups of water to a saucepan and let it boil for 2-4 minutes on medium flame.

  • Now add roughly chopped onions into the boiling water and after 2 minutes add garlic after peeling and squashing it.

  • After that add some small pieces of bay leaves and cloves and let the mixture boil for another 10 minutes.

  • Wait until the water turning into dark brown color.

  • Turn off the flame and pour it into the cup. When it cools down a bit add honey for taste.

  • For better results try to drink this tea every morning to feel fresh and energetic.

If you're having difficulty managing your blood sugar, include onions in your diet, it helps to control diabetes and tends to improve the glucose response, which helps in increasing insulin regression. Hope you liked this article and found it useful.

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