In the upcoming Timothy Hines film CHARLIE BOY Greg Kritikos plays Charlie Borakos, a man who learns that living is about loving and giving back. Already an NYC funny man favorite, Greg has taken his CHARLIE BOY character to heart and is spreading the love this February headlining two charity events in the New York and New Jersey.
ABOVE: Academy Award Nominee Burt Young (Luca) preps a scene with Greg Kritikos (Charlie) in the upcoming Timothy Hines movie CHARLIE BOY. CHARLIE BOY is a comedy of the heart where some bad guys become good guys.
BELOW: Greg Kritikos on-set with supermodel movie star Kelly Le Brock who plays Donna, Charlie's ex-wife, and director of CHARLIE BOY Timothy Hines.
ABOVE: Wednesday February 20th The Supper Room in Bayside, Queens, New York hosts the family event benefiting Autism "Love is Trending" with special guest Greg Kritikos. This family night event is from 6pm to 10 pm and includes dinner, wine tasting, dessert, a children's fashion show, a magic show, giveaways and raffle tickets, free squeezable squishy and cotton candy. Proceeds go to filling the wish list items that enable children with autism to communicate more effectively with parents and the outside world.
"Like Charlie says in the movie, everybody dies but not everybody lives," quotes Greg Kritikos from his upcoming starring role in CHARLIE BOY, "I live to serve and I am honored to serve up a lot of laughter to lots of people in order to raise a lot of money to fulfill my community's needs and build awareness this February."
BELOW: On Friday, February 22nd Lodi Unico presents their Comedy Night Fundraiser featuring Kritikos to help support Unico National Charities; the largest Italian American service organization in the USA. The event includes a comedy show featuring Kritikos served with light hors d'oeuvres and local handcrafted wine and is held at Make Wine With Us, 21 Currie Avenue, in Wallington, New Jersey.
BELOW: Timothy Hines directs Greg Kritikos in a scene in front of Sugar Freak in Astoria, New York for the upcoming movie CHARLIE BOY.
CHARLIE BOY Synopsis: Set in Astoria New York, Charlie Borakos is a recovering mobster turned benevolent stand-up comedian on the verge of enlightenment when good pal Tommy G's gambling debts and mob boss Big Angie's move back into the neighborhood sparks Charlie to use his give-back attitude and street smarts know-how to turn misfortune into laughter and save the day.
Some Bad Guys Become Good Guys
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