There is no denying that hiring practices have changed over the years with the advancement of technology, and job seekers should strive to keep their resume up-to-date with these changes. Using the same format that worked 10 or 15 years ago is not likely to work as well today. Grammar Chic offers a critical eye to review resumes and help candidates make necessary changes to remain competitive in the job market.
“Resumes look a lot different today than they did several years ago,” says Amanda Clark, CEO of Grammar Chic. “Long gone are the days of objective statements and including references. Employers aren’t as concerned about what you did, but rather how you did it and what it achieved. They want to see quickly and concisely how you can make a difference in their company. If your resume doesn’t meet current standards, chances are, it will be tossed aside.”
To help job seekers evaluate whether they are on track with their resume writing efforts, Grammar Chic offers a comprehensive resume review that covers everything from style and readability to content. Clients can see how their resume measures up against what employers – and applicant tracking systems (ATS) – are looking for.
For instance, the top one-third of the resume should include a powerful summary that highlights key strengths and abilities along with a section of targeted core competencies aligned with the job opening. Many job seekers make the mistake of still using an objective, or skipping out on the summary section all together. When they list skills, they may only be including soft skills such as problem solving or team building, when employers want to see hard skills too such as accounts payable, business development, or social media management.
“Format also plays a big role,” says Clark. “Your resume should be easy to skim and draw attention to your accomplishments. Use bolding, italics, and different fonts strategically so they
add to the aesthetics of your resume rather than taking away from it. Break up large blocks of text with bullet points that highlight key points and show the value you provide.”
A professional resume review can draw attention to problem areas that clients may have overlooked or may not be aware of. Many people are unfamiliar with how ATS work, or the importance of having keywords that coincide with the job opening. Therefore, their resume may be weak in this area and get overlooked by employers when they actually do possess the right skills, they just haven’t presented them in the most effective way.
“Many people also run into the difficulty of deciding exactly what should and shouldn’t go on their resume,” notes Clark. “They try to cram too much information onto each page, and it can be overwhelming to read. Not to mention, they likely don’t need everything they’ve included. Getting a professional resume review is a great way to start the process of revamping your resume and making sure that it helps, rather than hurts, your job search efforts.”
For just $35, individuals can have their resume reviewed by Grammar Chic and receive a detailed report on areas for improvement and overall effectiveness. Resume writing and cover letter services are also available for those who are ready to take the next step and have their documents rewritten to support their job search.
To learn more about these services, contact Grammar Chic at (803) 831-7444 or
Grammar Chic is a comprehensive professional resume writing service that specializes in helping job seekers boost their appearance in the job market. This company offers in-depth consultation allowing candidates to explore their job history and skill sets. With a series of services — from entry-level to senior management resume packages — Grammar Chic can provide the level of insight needed to ensure clients come out with a clean, polished and appealing resume.
Those looking for resume and cover letter assistance are invited to contact Grammar Chic at (803) 831-7444 and tune into Twitter and Facebook for updates.
Media Contact
Company Name: Chic Resumes
Contact Person: Amanda Clark
Email:Send Email
Phone: 803-831-7444
Country: United States